Traveling Traveling
Lifestyles Lifestyles
Ever take that "perfect" travel picture or capture your significant other having a
great time exploring parts of the world outside our community gates? Well, now you
have a place to share it with others.
For this feature, residents may submit high-quality digital photos to sunlakesnews@
yahoo.com. While not required, we would love to see a copy of the Lifestyles Magazine
in your picture. It will be fun to see how far and to what exotic places the magazine
travels. Please be sure to include information to explain your photos, especially the
who, what, when, and where. Submit photos to sunlakesnews@yahoo.com
Scott and Carrie Sudweeks traveled to Alaska with their son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. ey took a seven-day cruise out of
Seattle and visited Skagway, Dawes Glacier, Juneau, and Victoria BC.
Ted and Sylvia Matsunari traveled with Yukio and Ping Otani and enjoyed cruising a beautiful early June of Hokkaido and Tokyo, Japan.
At le: Patty Barille and Marsha
McCurry took a 26-day dream vacation
in May to beautiful Italy, Croatia, and
Montenegro, visiting 12 cities and
enjoying the Italian lifestyle. Photos
were taken at Lake Como and Venice.