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Hemet Herald August 2024

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | AUGUST 2024 | 9 Library Committee It's August already. Time really does fly when you're having fun … and when you're getting older. Because everyone's summertime is precious, I'm working this month with longtime Library Committee member, Blair Becker, on some of the questions we receive about the library from residents. Here is one of the most frequent questions: "How did we get all the books that are displayed?" The answer is simple. They came from the residents of our community. The Four Seasons Library really is YOUR library! Members of our community have often asked how we determine what paperback and hardcover books we keep. If you regularly read our Herald articles, copyright is mentioned frequently in relation to the books we carry. In consideration of the limited space the library possesses to display our collections, we have adopted a system dependent on the copyright date of each book. Currently, for hardcover fiction books, it's 2015 to the present. For paperbacks, it's 2020 to the present. We display signs in the library, usually on the table with the book and puzzle return boxes, advising residents of the copyright dates of books we can accept. BUT where IS the copyright date in a book? It will be found before the first page of any novel, located in the beginning pages of the book on the backside of the book's title page. (Note that there may be some descriptive/review pages just before the title page to spur your interest in reading the book.) The title of the book will be prominently displayed. Turn the page and you will see the publishing and copyright date information. At right, top, is the title page from a novel by Christopher Reich; the copyright shows a date of 2022, within the years we accept both hardcover fiction and paperback books. At right, bottom, is the title page from a novel by John Grisham; the copyright shows a date of 1997, past the date where we would accept this novel in general. There are different standards for nonfiction books, biographies, large type books, classic books, and magazines, but those are for another article. The Four Seasons Library is happy to accept books falling within our donation guidelines. If there are books you wish to donate that fall outside the acceptable copyright dates, thrift agencies throughout the Hemet area would be happy to take them. ~ Betty Crase and Blair Becker Facilities Committee There are three paramount ideals that the Facility Committee focuses on.: safety of our residents, maintenance of our community, and the continuing improvement and upgrading of our facility while keeping the budget in constant consideration. These ideals are not possible without the input from our residents. Some of the safety issues we have had to contend with are speeding, sharing of the road with golf carts, and trip hazards from tree roots lifting the common area sidewalks. Without input from our residents, some of these may have gone unnoticed. Even though our committee performs monthly inspections of the entire community, the Facilities Committee cannot see everything. Your continued and valued input is the cornerstone of how well this facility looks. All ideas and suggestions that are submitted by the residents to the Facility Committee undergo review and discussion. All suggestions are weighed as to how those suggestions will improve our community. Not all suggestions are recommended to the Board. All suggestions, concerns, recommendations, and thoughts are greatly appreciated. For this community to continue to thrive, the Facilities Committee appreciates the continued support and input from our residents. There are several ways to communicate your thoughts, suggestions, and safety concerns — you can ask for a Facility Communication form from the front desk or you can share your thoughts in person. All residents are welcome to attend our meetings. We meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month (excluding holidays). Thank you to all the residents who have submitted safety concerns, suggestions, and or recommendations. Please keep 'em coming! ~ Tim Polder

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