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Hemet Herald August 2024

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August is named for the first Roman emperor, Augustus Caesar, when Rome transformed from a republic to an empire. It's interesting that he ruled during the transition from B.C. to A.D. The "Dog Days" of summer last from July 3 to August 11 (although in Four Seasons, it seems much longer). This term refers to a period of particularly hot and humid weather occurring in the Northern Hemisphere. This time frame coincides with the rising of Sirius, the Dog Star. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, excluding our Sun. Under the right conditions, it can even be seen with the naked eye during the day. At the June Board meeting, our resident Mayor Pro-tem of Hemet, Jackie Peterson, gave an update on what's happening in the city, as well as future goals and objectives. It was encouraging to see a nice turnout for her, and we hope to schedule future updates on a regular basis. One item of interest was the plan to install a traffic light at Warren Road and Devonshire. We hope this will happen in the not- too-distant future. Looking ahead for the remainder of the year: 1. Budget for 2025: This is scheduled for approval in October. Key items to be determined are energy costs, street repairs, capital expenditures, and insurance. 2. Traffic Control: It's possible that as of this Board Message a decision has been made to address this issue, especially regarding Four Seasons Blvd. The Access Control and Facilities Committees are close to making their recommendations. This, of course, has been a main topic for several years, and every Board has discussed possible ways to keep our streets safe. 3. Street Repair Plan: With our community nearing the end of its 21st year of incorporation, we need to maintain our streets/ roads while maintaining our financial stability. This requires detailed analysis and planning. We don't want our streets to deteriorate, and we don't want to deplete our reserves. We have 1.7 million square feet to protect. There are three types of repairs: • Seal Coating - This is a layer of asphalt that blocks out water, oils, and UV damage. This can extend the life of the asphalt. It, however, is not a permanent fix. • Overlay - This is a new pavement (generally about 1.5 inches thick) placed over the top of an existing pavement surface. This, again, is not a permanent fix. • Remove and Replace - When routine repairs are no longer able to provide a safe, smooth surface, then it's time to have the pavement replaced. This can be about four inches thick. There are some areas in Four Seasons that now require this, which also is the most expensive repair. A combination of these three will be used to keep our streets safe and in good condition without impacting our financial future. We will implement a plan (five years minimum) to achieve this objective. One final note: Every Board that has served our community has had one thing in common: Not being satisfied with the status quo. Our previous Boards did not want to accept the "current state of things" approach to managing our community. Why should we change things? One reason is that everything around us is changing and will continue to do so, whether we like it or not. We need to continue looking for ways to innovate and grow, otherwise we risk falling into a state of decline. Your Board will continue to ask ourselves "what if " and "why not." Over the next several months, we will look into ways that will make Four Seasons even better in the future. Stay tuned! "Always plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark."... Richard Cushing Message from the Board of Directors 2 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | AUGUST 2024 | Sincerely, and on behalf of your Board of Directors, Barbra Balser, Cliff Post, Roxy Snider, Fred Kydd, Mary Reyna, and Rick Adkins Jim Crase President

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