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Hemet Herald September 2024

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What is the Harvest Moon? For several evenings, the moonrise comes soon after sunset. This results in an abundance of bright moonlight early in the evening which was a traditional aid to farmers and crews harvesting their summer grown crops. Hence, it's called the "Harvest" Moon. This year it first appears in the evening of Monday, September 16, before reaching peak illumination at 10:30 am EDT on September 17. I am sure you all are happy to know this! September is the month when we normally experience the Santa Ana winds. This is a major concern during "fire season" which has been underway in California for the past few months. A goal of your Board is to minimize any fire hazard within and around Four Seasons. The Emergency Preparedness Committee has worked hard over the past several years to educate our residents about safeguarding our homes and has established Four Seasons as a Firewise community. One significant area of concern is the drainage channel that's located behind Parry Drive and extends to the east behind the Emergency Vehicle Access (EVA) Road. Much of this channel is under the jurisdiction of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). We have been working with the city of Hemet to establish an agreement with CDFW to allow the cutting of the brush, grasses, and debris that has become a significant fire hazard within the channel. After much frustration, in late July weed abatement began behind Parry Drive. We are hopeful that when this Board message appears in the Herald, fire mitigation will have occurred within most of the channel. We will continue to pursue an agreement that will allow this area to be addressed on a regular basis to minimize this fire hazard. This month, we will finalize and approve the budget for 2025. We are able to do this one month earlier than planned because of the work done by our Budget Ad Hoc Committee. One decision that will be made regards the heating of the swimming pool during the winter. We are now a 21-year-old community and maintaining a required balanced budget continues to be a challenge as costs continue to increase while our revenue remains the same. In July, your Board visited the Four Seasons Beaumont community and met with their Board of Directors. The purpose was to exchange ideas and learn from each other. They are also managed by FirstResidential and could be called our "sister" HOA. We will continue to meet with them, as well as other 55+ HOAs in the future. As mentioned in last month's Board message, we want to continue our efforts to keep improving Four Seasons while staying committed to our Board doctrines adopted in 2018: Vision Statement: It is the vision of the Board of Directors that the Four Seasons at Hemet Community Association be the area's premier 55+ active adult community. Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Board of Directors to preserve and enhance the quality of life and sense of community through effective and efficient management of the Association, enforcement of rules and covenants, preserve and enhance property values, and support initiatives and capital improvements that benefit the greater good of the community. A few months ago, we were so looking forward to warmer weather — well, we got it! We now look forward to some rain and cooler temperatures. Whatever the weather or the temperature, we are blessed to live in a great place. "Who needs a sauna when you've got a car parked in the sun?"... Unknown Message from the Board of Directors 2 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | SEPTEMBER 2024 | Sincerely, and on behalf of your Board of Directors, Barbra Balser, Cliff Post, Roxy Snider, Fred Kydd, Mary Reyna, and Rick Adkins Jim Crase President

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