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Hemet Herald October 2024

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | OCTOBER 2024 | 3 General Manager's Message By Rick Ruth, CMCA 2025 Budget: This month, the Board of Directors will be finalizing and approving the 2025 budget. Once approved, the budget, Annual Policy Statement and disclosure packet will be sent out in November. Please keep an eye out for this packet. How does the budget process take place? The Ad-hoc Budget and Finance Committee made up of Board Members, Committee Liaisons and Management have spent the last eight months going over past expenses, trends, and labor contract increases. The Board also found ways to reduce fixed and utility expenses wherever possible, one of them being shutting off the natural gas to the pool heaters for the winter months to balance the budget. The Board's duty to the Membership is to come up with a realistic budget that is fiscally responsible. For Legends Residents: We've been asked by the landscape contractor to ask Legends residents who have concerns with their landscaping to stop by The Lodge office and fill out a legends landscape maintenance request. Please do not speak to the workers. They are on a very tight schedule and do not have "a few minutes" to address your request no matter how small you might think it is. With the recent extreme weather, the workers have been swamped with extra debris removal in addition to their normal routine. If you are thinking of making any changes or improvements to the exterior of your property such as landscaping or painting, regardless of the scope of work, please contact Maria Donti at (951) 325-8188 during normal business hours. She is more than happy to let you know if your improvements will need architectural approval. A few minutes spent with her will save you much grief. Please don't make improvements without ARC approval! Another important topic we regularly want to mention is to please make sure your emergency contact information that we have on file is up-to-date. We continue to have incidents where we need to contact a family member and we have no one to contact. In addition, if you have had any medical or prescription changes, please update your "File of Life" packet so that if the situation arises, first responders have all of your current medical information at hand when treating you or your loved one. We have extra copies of the forms at the front desk. Finally, please "Live in Harmony" (R & Regs Section 1.9 pg. 7). Each day, all of our on-site staff makes every effort to be genuinely helpful, respectful in dealing with residents' issues and concerns, and does their best to "not take it personally" when exchanges between residents and our staff become heated. I suspect it might be due to the current social and environmental climate we are in. Regardless of the reason, please know that we are always here to listen, discuss your complaint and help you find a way to resolve your issue or concern. Thank you for your understanding, cooperation, support and being good neighbors. Happy Halloween! As my second year in office nears its end, I'd like to reflect on our accomplishments for our senior community. This year, we created programs focused on providing services to seniors, such as the Hire- a-Senior program and the Home Rehabilitation Program (HRP). I created HRP after we learned that many seniors on a fixed income weren't getting help to fix their homes because they do not own the land. With this program, we are helping many seniors get the home repairs they need. Remember to follow me on social media and reach out to my office if you want to learn more about our services. Supervisor's Message By Supervisor Yxstian Gutierrez

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