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Hemet Herald October 2024

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28 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | OCTOBER 2024 | Golf Club President, Mike Caldwell: In January, we recognized the contributions of Tom Moore who served as President for several years. I asked Tom what the most dicult part of the role as President was. His response "writing an article for the Herald a month in advance of its publication." Tom was right. Not having been blessed with the gi of prognostication, I submit articles (or portions of articles) from golf-related media to the Herald. No such articles will be presented this month. e reason Tom was right goes deeper than just having a case of writers' block. Writing articles is the "only" thing that is dicult about being President. e reason it's the "only" thing Tom mentioned is because of the contributions of time and eort of my fellow Board members, many of whom have served several years as committee chairs. ese members are integral to our club, and I thank them for serving. I appreciate the experience of working with them. Vice President, Bob Morriss: Our second Four Seasons Tournament was at the Rancho California course in Murrieta. is tournament was the second in our series of matches we hope will continue. We will host the third tournament, most likely at Tukwet. Secretary, Mike McLaughlin: Some sad news! Bob St. John passed in August. Bob was a long-time member of the Golf Club and played on a regular basis (when Bob and Sandy were not traveling to exotic places around the world). More importantly, he was a close friend with whom I shared our golf game miseries and enjoyed discussing politics, favorite vacations, the "cabin" and favorite books. Bob will be missed! Please keep Sandy and the St. John family in your thoughts. Above: Bob enjoying his putt (Photo by Blair Becker) Tournament Chair, Elliot Yaeger: October (start time is 8 am): Oct. 1: Club Championship… Round 1 Oct. 3: Club Championship… Round 2 Oct. 8: Club Championship… Round 3 Oct. 15: Partners Best Net Score per Hole Oct. 22: Team Scramble Minimum 3 Tee Shots Oct. 29: Low Net… throw out one hole from the front and one hole from the back. Membership Chair, Blair Becker: One of our favorite activities is the 19th hole celebrations. Lots of talk about the day's golf (a few exaggerations here and there) and meeting good people. Colliers photo by Blair Becker. From the Social Committee Chair, Meredith Becker: What a fun time was had for all at our BBQ/ Pool party in August! e picture at le are members getting ready for a water balloon toss. Photo by Meredith Becker. Our last 2024 social event will be Trivia Night on Sat., Nov. 23; it's trivia like you never played before! More details will follow. From the Rules Chair, Bill Swinney: Did you know? Practice Swing Penalty: If your ball accidentally falls o the tee when preparing to hit, there is no penalty (rule 6.2b). Also, should you accidentally make contact with your ball while making a practice putt (or any other unintended contact) while the ball is on the green, there is no penalty (rule 13.1d). You simply replace the ball to its previous position. However, should you contact with your ball during a practice swing anywhere else on the course, including bunkers and penalty areas, you still have not made a stroke, but you will be assessed a one-stroke penalty for causing your ball to move while in play (rule 9.4). e ball is moved back to its original position.

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