August has been a busy traveling month for a lot of our members that play
duplicate; however, we've been able to have at least six tables every Tuesday
and three Fridays of the month. We welcome bridge players to join us on
Tuesdays from 5 to 7:30 pm and on the second and fourth Fridays of the month
from 1 to 4:30 pm. Please email the club if you would like to play with us.
We also have started another series of FREE bridge lessons from September
- November to learn to play or modernize your game. Experienced players
learn advanced strategies. Classes are on Wednesdays from 3:15 to 5:30 pm.
To sign up contact Diane Hillman at (619) 987-1444 or drdianehillman@
icloud.com. ~ Janet Hund, Secretary ohccbridgeclub@gmail.com
e August Winners are:
Tuesday Winners:
8/6 Susie Anson and Kannan Dan 66%
8/13 Susie Anson and Kannan Dan 60%
8/20 Irma Maston and Katherine Backman 63%
8/27 Janet Hund and Ronnie Duberstein 55%
Friday Winners are:
8/9 Lillian Kirkland and Milt Kahn 61%
8/23 Jan Ahrens and Bette Webb 57%
8/30 Hazel Bobach and Heidi Hollman 61%