Garden Club
To the plant world the arrival of the fungus "Mycorrhizal"
is very welcome news. Inhospitable soil becomes fertile
with the addition of this fungus which literally
extends the length of the roots and opens
the door for hard to extract minerals.
Mycorrhizal fungi are natural forming
in undisturbed soil. Tilling, chemical
applications and construction activity
strip the soil of this beneficial organism.
The fungi form a symbiotic relation with their plant
hosts and capture carbohydrates and other food while they
increase the surface area for the root system to absorb more
water and minerals. Some plants cannot take up nutrient
without mycorrhizal.
This is why you can plant a tree and it will not grow for several
years, just living off stored resources until it has developed its
own mycorrhizal fungi to access nutrients and water. Most
plants use the "Endo" types of fungi that physically enter
into roots. Pines, Oaks and a few others use "Ecto"
types that form a sheath around the roots.
The widely adapted types of Endo/Ecto
spores in our products are useful for nearly all
plant-soil-climate situations. Soils are greatly
improved by the fungi sending millions of
tiny root-threads far out from the plant roots.
These root-threads separate clay platelets to allow
essential air and water into the root zone, or will bind together
sandy soil to form a moisture-holding biomass. Marginal,
salty, and damaged soils can often be made productive with the
introduction of mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhizal is purchased in
powder or liquid form, dissolved and then applied to the soil. It
is pricey but pays for itself over time. ~ Leonard Tavernetti
Seasoned Solos
If you are living "Solo" and interested in day trips, eating out, going to concerts, museums, plays and making friends, join us.
The next meeting will be Friday, Nov. 1, at 6 pm in the Craft Room at the Lodge. For more information contact Toby Davis (951)
769-2380 or Roxanna Morrow (951) 769-6877. ~ Roxanna Morrow