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Tennis Friends Have you never ever played tennis? Or it has been a long, long time since you played? We are starting a group for never-evers. If you are interested let us know. Sign up by calling Chuck Sims. Our Wednesday night group is growing and we work in all levels of play. With the warm weather we are expanding our hours. So, why sit at home watching re-runs? You can, instead, participate in the DRAMA on court. We have several tennis events daily here at Four Seasons. Mornings, all week, Wednesday night drills at 6:59 pm; followed by mixed up doubles at 8 pm. Interestingly enough, each event includes socializing and talking over the upcoming events available in the community. You can just drop in to any of these events or check with Tracy Trousset, Trish Egan, or Chuck Sims. Furthermore, several of our members are familiar with tennis around the SoCal area so if you have questions let us know. 29 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | March 2014 | | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | March 2014 | 30 Cover Photo Wildlife abounds in Four Seasons Hemet. Photo by Blair Becker. The Four Seasons Homeowners Association and Image Up Advertising & Design accept no responsibility for content, accuracy or opinion, expressed or implied, of articles, announcements or advertisements in this magazine. Inclusion of advertisements does not carry with it any endorsement, actual or implied, for the product or service advertised. The Four Seasons HOA and Image Up Advertising & Design do not accept responsibility or liability for damage occasioned through use of products or services advertised herein. Only articles, announcements and other news items submitted by Four Seasons residents or otherwise approved by the Four Seasons HOA and their staff and pertaining to committees, clubs, groups and sanctioned community activities will be considered for publication. All items submitted are subject to editing and are not guaranteed to be printed at the discretion of the HOA and their staff. Contents of this magazine, including all text and photographs, are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or reprinted without the express permission of the Four Seasons HOA and/or Image Up Advertising & Design. The "Four Seasons Hemet Herald Magazine" News Policy About the Herald Photos Wanted If you would like to submit a photo for the cover of your community magazine, please keep the following guidelines in mind: • Vertical format is preferred • Simple, uncluttered photos work best • Digital photos are requested at high resolution, 4 megapixels or higher, 300 dots per inch (dpi) or at least 1536 x 1024 pixels • Send jpeg format photos to If you have any questions, please call Courtney Taylor at (909) 797- 3647. Submission Guidelines We respectfully request that all clubs and groups submit their article no later than 12 noon on the 10th of each month. Please limit articles to 400 words. E-mail .doc or .rtf files to Please include committee, club or group name, writer's contact information, and organization's contact information. Within the article, include upcoming event details and general contact information. Photographs must be clear, in focus and submitted as high-resolution jpegs. Photos and articles will be printed at the discretion of the Hemet Herald staff. To Advertise in the Herald If you would like to advertise in the Hemet Herald, please contact Stacey Parr at Image Up Advertising & Design at (909) 797-3647 or e-mail her at Visit Facebook for the interactive, online version of the Four Seasons Hemet Herald Magazine! You can also see the online issue at: Sid Cohen Table Tennis If you are interested in participating, please contact Arie Groenendyk at (619) 889-6263 or email: We meet in the Aerobics room on Tuesdays, from 3 to 5 pm. Come join the fun!