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It wasn't the Banzai Pipeline but the high tide, full moon and tropical storm off Baja made for dramatic waves at Crystal Cove for the Hearty Hikers fifth annual trek to the beach. With an 11 o'clock high tide the beach frontage was narrow and short as we strolled out on arrival. The water was cool but not cold and a few hearty souls were body surfing the curls. The north side of the cove is all sand for about three-quarters of a mile and is the frontage for the ruins of Hollywood sets from the black and white film days. A few families of pre-school age children enjoyed the perfect weather while their young'uns danced in the creeping surf or built sand fortifications with plastic shovels. Evidence of weather and water erosion covers the bluff to Pacific Coast Highway uncaring of human presence in this almost pristine enclave. Two of the dozen hikers were ambulatory and established watch at the Beachcomber Restaurant, arguably the main reason for fighting freeway frenzy from Beaumont to Beach. At midday we descended on three tables like vultures on a country road. As always, food and service were great. In the past our receipts entitled diners to free parking upon exiting the lot. A new system involving a contract company now requires a complex process ticket of partial validation at a kiosk before entering your car and then subsequent validation at the gate from your car. Our waitress carefully explained this twice (we're old) at each table. On returning to the parking lot we discovered the kiosk was out-of-order. With full stomachs the group split up, some intent on beating the afternoon rush on the freeways and some answering the siren of the receding tide and sight of reefs protruding on the southern beach. Eventually we all genuflected in front of the foot showers to reduce the amount of sand that always finds a way to hitchhike home with us. Our October hike is to the Aspen Grove in San Gorgonio Mountains (7,000') and the November hike is to Lytle Creek. Hikes are on the second Wednesday of the month. To find out where else we are hiking in 2014 call or email Lynette at (951) 377-0392 or ~ Leonard Tavernetti 44 FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | NOVEMBER 2014 | SPORTS & OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Hearty Hikers 3rd Generation Painter Contracting For Over 30 Years Minor Repairs: Exterior Wood & Stucco, Interior Drywall, Wood Trim thank you in advance for the opportunity to give you a free estimate! 909-208-6142 Lic. #423807 Bonded hiGh QuAlity hiGh stAnDArDs intErior & EXtErior FouR sEasons FaLL spEciaL 10% oFF intERioR paintinG ! Offer good with ad until Dec. 1, 2014 (L-R) Martha Franck, Tina Soeten and Ruth Tavernetti on the beach Wind and water shape the bluff inhabitants (L-R) Lynette Simonson, Charlie Leger,Martha Franck, Bill Struwe, Tina Soeten, Len Tavernetti, Lana and Robert Gredemann, Mary Baer, Bertsy and Jim Sein, and Ruth Tavernetti at the Beachcomber.