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Four Seasons Breeze July 2016

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48 FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | JULY 2016 Billiards for Fun Here we are mid-year 2016 already, and the Billiards for Fun Group is going strong. We still have two sessions on our formal play day: Tuesdays from 11 am to 1 pm or 1 to 3 pm Saturdays. We have two practice sessions in the same time frames, so this group obviously gathers frequently to hone our billiards skills. Two people who have really contributed to the success of this group, Rich Meumann and Dee Kelch, have both moved out of Four Seasons for similar reasons. Rich moved to the San Diego area to be closer to his children, and Dee moved to Nebraska to be closer to her family. We'll miss them both and sent them off with our collective best wishes. Although there is usually a lot of laughter and bantering, the adjacent pictures tell a different story of deep concentration, thought and exhibiting high billiards IQ levels. In photo No. 1, Bob Rector is busy running the table on the opposing team. Johnny Ramirez in the other photo carefully strategizes each of his shots before he takes them. And Mike Fisher is shown exhibiting the payoff he receives from all the practicing he does during the week. We always learn from each other, and the patience exhibited by the more experienced players toward the less experienced players is always to be admired. Many thanks to each and every attendee in our group for your personal contributions to making this a great group of Four Seasons residents. If you are interested in joining a fun group of people who play pool for fun, not trophies, and get a kick out of each other, please come join us! We promise to make you welcome at any of the playing times listed above. ~ Eileen Gilbert-Antoine Since so many of our amazing Curly Cues will be traveling and playing hard this summer away from Four Seasons, so we have condensed our playing time to one two-hour time slot: Mondays from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. We usually fill all the tables, and according to one very experienced observer, the women are each improving immensely. Bi-monthly as a group we have lunch together. In May Leta Ramirez planned the luncheon at Guy's Italian Restaurant in Banning After our meal, we return to the Lodge for our regular afternoon play time. In the next photo, Joyce Burmester, one of our members who returned after months of healing from knee replacement surgery, shows the skill she has retained during all that recovery time. In the background, notice all the tables are buzzing with good natured competitiveness. We are really sorry to lose Dee Kelch, one of our most respected members, as she moves to Nebraska. We all wished her well and gave her a Visa gift card. We'll miss you Dee. If you are interested in joining a fun group of Four Seasons women and in learning to play pool (we know you've always wanted to), please consider joining us at the time listed above. We'll be looking for you. ~ Eileen Gilbert-Antoine Curly Cues Joyce Burmester thinks about her shot in a room full of Curly Cues. The group enjoys lunch at Guy's Restaurant Bob Rector Johnny Ramirez Mike Fisher

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