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Solera Diamond Valley October 2016

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SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | SEPTEMBER 2016 5 Important Announcements The Annual Homeowners meeting will be held on Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 10 am in the Ballroom. There will be two positions available on the Board. Management will be mailing out "Notice of Annual Meeting" as well as the ballots by September 27, 2017. There will be a Candidates Forum on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 3 pm in the Ballroom. ALL RESIDENTS: Beginning early September the front glass doors to the lodge will be locked during regular business hours and you WILL be required to use your card to gain entrance. Start now and wear your badge and get used to having it with you at all times in the Lodge. Per the Rules and Regulations 4.1.5 - Non-Transferable Cards – All Members must present their current resident ID activity card to use Association facilities. Cards are not transferable and cannot be loaned. Be advised that a "Resident Request Form" and "Facility Service Request Form" are available in the Management office and on the SDV website. The Resident Request Form should be used for suggestions, comments and concerns. The Facility Service Request form is for maintenance or landscaping for the common areas only. Forms should be turned in to the management office or submitted on line. If you would like to go paperless and receive electronic HOA statements via email instead of statements coming to you via US Mail, you can go to this website and sign up for this feature. On behalf of management, thank you. FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER By Greg Rainier, General Manager Items approved at the Board of Directors meeting of July 21, 2016: • The reinvestment of seven maturing CDs. • The appointment of three Financial Committee Members: Tom Lontz, Barbara Shoop and Linda Weiss. • Fitness equipment maintenance agreement. • HVAC repairs as a reserve expenditure. • Landscape refurbishment as a reserve expenditure. • Release of several bonds for Pulte. • The appointment of five residents to the Ad-Hoc Rules and Regulations Committee: Steven Patrick, Edith Reed, Wayne Whittaker, Laurie Williams and Kim Walker. • Annual Meeting and Election date will be November 3, 2016 at 10 am. • Election Member of Record date will be September 20, 2016. • The appointment of three Inspectors of Election: Linda Hatfield, Chris Olivas and Mark Taylor. • A Capital Improvement to add more library shelving next to the existing shelves. • A Capital Improvement to add an additional ping pong table with cover. • A Capital Improvement to add a cell phone signal booster in the Lodge. The next Board of Directors meeting is Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 3 pm in the Mountain View Lodge Ballroom.

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