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Hemet Herald July 2020

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | July 2020 | 19 "Many hands make light work." We have all heard that, and I remember my grandmother saying it many times. In March we had to suspend our meetings at Needle Me, and give up our great conversations and see our friends' progress with their projects, but we haven't suspended our helping hands. One of our members, Janet Swindell, has a daughter who is a nurse at Loma Linda. With the shortage of masks for the nurses, a plea went out for handmade ones to help with the shortage. We received generous donations of material and ribbon, and helpful hands boosted the production that Janet had been shouldering herself. Other members delivered Bistro meals, shopped for others and made sure their neighbors were OK. As this is being written, there is no crystal ball to look into to see how long or how bad this virus is going to be. I do know, however, that we are strong and will survive this all the stronger. Keep in touch with each other. Thankfully, Bobbie has kept the list up-to-date for us. Keep up with your projects and helping each other. This is who we are. When we are back in meetings again, I invite others who want to do knitting, crocheting, or needlework of any kind with a great group of women to join us in the craft room on the first and fourth Fridays of the month from 1 to 3 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Donna Morrell at (951) 385-3808 or Maggie Fussell at (951) 388-7640. Needle Me Just in case: Check with your club contact to confirm meeting place, date, & time. TGIF At this point in time, we are hopeful that things will start to open up slowly. That being said, we do not anticipate that TGIF/Karaoke will be able to resume until perhaps 2021. The format we have does not allow for sharing food. Also, we would need to maintain the distance required under current standards and the wearing of masks is still recommended. We want to be cautious and not take any risks for our residents. We hope you will rejoin us when it is safe. Thank you. Your TGIF/Karaoke Committee. Book Club Our book for July is Big Sky by Kate Atkinson. Due to the coronavirus and everyone's safety, I'll be hosting a Zoom meeting. I hope everyone who is interested in a good discussions will join us. The day before meeting I'll send you a password. Any questions call me at (951) 926-6336 or ~ Vicki Allen-Hitt

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