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OHCC Living Sept 2020

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Village Line Dancers We asked our members "So what ARE you doing now that all the Clubhouse activities are on hold?" Everyone really misses Line Dancing classes and are filling their time in various ways. Anna Grinshpun – said her garden loves her stay- at-home lifestyle now. It blooms non-stop in different corners with different colors. Also, she rarely misses catching a sunset on Inspiration Hill. Johnny Castro - covers up in protective gear until the fire pit is on. Nancy Gneiting has it figured out with Johnny; if you can't dance, warm your feet by the fire then cool off with ice cream. Lynn Murphy – Has worn out a pair of shoes walking the loop around OHCC. She's also helped produce Zoom Happy Hours with a DJ for the Doo Wop Club. Pam Jones – and her husband, Bob, have been on two road trips. They especially love the California coastal redwoods. Patricia Hallworth – her husband, Ken, and cute dog, Callie love to spend time at beautiful Lake San Marcos, and the lake-side restaurant "The Decoy." Rose Ann Wooldridge is a docent at the San Diego Botanic Garden. "The gardens are my happy place" says Rose Ann. She wants to tell everyone to make a reservation to come visit the SD Botanic Gardens –they have very safe procedures." Ruth Schafer – Quilting! Tam Johnson – Is part of the cart parade participants who have spread a little joy around our streets. Valdene Ramrus - Golfing (almost daily). Wanda Giuliano – Sports a mask reminding us: "It's 5 o'clock somewhere." The Village Line Dancing Club is still trying to find ways that we can enjoy Line Dancing together within the guidelines for healthy gathering during this pandemic. Stay well, stay active and we look forward to line dancing together again. | OHCC LIVING | SEPTEMBER 2020 | 15 Just in case: Check with your club contact to confirm meeting place, date, and time. Village Squares Joe Miller--The Dean Of Square Dance: Joe Miller has been for 20 years one of our most loyal and regular dancers. It's always a pleasure to dance with Joe, who has mastered the steps and is an excellent partner and true gentleman. Joe was born in Milwaukee into a family whose origins were in what is now present-day Poland but was then part of Russia. At the tender age of 19, he was called into the army six days after Japan surrendered. He served for three years in the army of occupation in Germany. On returning, he was with some buddies when they suggested heading to a beach party being put together by a local girl they knew. That's when the love bug struck, and he met the hostess, a pretty girl named Ruth, and began their 65-year marriage, eventually resulting in three daughters, six grandchildren, and one great grandson. Joe graduated from the University of Wisconsin in engineering mechanics, later attaining a master's degree. He stayed in Madison as a specialist in meteorology design. In the 60s he worked on the Atlas missile in San Diego, returning to Madison when that system died out. Fortunately for us, one of Joe and Ruth's daughters lives in Carlsbad and told the couple they had found the perfect place for them; so in 2000 they came to Ocean Hills. They had been in a mainstream square dance class long before in Madison, so joined our club. Before they could take the classes here, Joe was down observing when an extra man was needed, so he was pulled onto the dance floor, and thus began his square dance career here. At the age of 94, Joe still walks a mile a day. Before our Clubhouse closed, Joe could be found at our Wednesday night dances every week, and he was always one of the very last to leave! We are certainly fortunate that Joe and Ruth were directed here 20 years ago.

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