Exercise has the ability to lift your mood, improve learning
abilities, build self-esteem, keep your brain and your body fit, boost
mental health and your immune system, reduce stress, make you feel
happier, improve skin tone, improve sleeping patterns, help prevent
strokes, improve joint function and muscle strength, alleviate
anxiety, sharpen memory, boost productivity, improve body image,
give you confidence, increase longevity, strengthen your bones and
your heart, improve posture and reduce your risk of osteoporosis,
lower the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes, fight dementia,
ease back pain, reduce feelings of depression, prevent muscle loss,
increase energy and endurance, improve balance and coordination,
improve the oxygen supply to your body's cells, lessen fatigue, make
life more interesting, and improve your quality of life.
So what are you waiting for? With the quarantine in effect, find
creative ways to get your exercise. Walk in the village or in your home,
workout with a friend using social distancing, exercise with a video
or a Zoom class, or any activity that you enjoy. Stay safe, and stay
We hope you are well and have been enjoying the beautiful weather
this summer. Welcome to the fall season and please remember to
exercise a few times each week so you can stay healthy and feel your
best during this very difficult pandemic. It is important to wear a
mask if you cannot be six feet away.
If you want to continue with the Chair Yoga exercises with our
OHCC Instructors use YouTube videos.
Since we cannot meet in person during this time in the Clubhouse
due to the COVID-19 virus, here are two suggestions for you to
exercise at your home with our very own Ocean Hills Senior Fitness
instructors Cheryl Todd and Tatis Cervantes-Aiken. It is free and all
you need is a sturdy folding chair. These Chair Yoga exercises each
last approximately one hour. When the Clubhouse opens we'll meet
Instructions: Go to the URL line on your computer. Type in
YOUTUBE.COM/HARMONYGROVEYOGA and you will get a video
with Cheryl Todd teaching the Chair yoga class. Just follow her
example using a sturdy chair.
Go to the URL line on your computer. Type in TATISCERVANTES
and you will see her Lively Chair Yoga Class with Tatis Cervantes-
Aiken. Sit in your sturdy chair and start the chair yoga exercise.
It is as easy as that.
Senior Fitness Club
Just in case: Check with your club contact to confirm meeting place, date, and time.