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Ocean Hills Living October 2020

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Steve and Marcia Ward met in a hotel in Denver. They had both attended a line dance there. He noticed the cute blonde in a pink jumpsuit, and she took note of the handsome guy in brown cords and cowboy boots. They were introduced, and Marcia gave Steve her business card. Wasting no time, Steve called and asked if she could roller skate. Receiving an answer in the affirmative, he took her roller skating for their first date. What he failed to tell her, much to her surprise, was that he was an experienced roller-skating dancer! But they were both smitten, so on to the next date, where Steve was introduced to two of the cutest little blond girls he had ever seen. So this mother of two little girls and the father of two boys married in 1988 and began their very happy journey together, he as general manager of an electrical contracting company, and she as a dental hygienist in Colorado, where they lived for 35 years. They visited Steve's mother, Phyllis Ward, in Ocean Hills every year and were impressed with the place and all the many activities here, and also the fact that there was no snow! When the couple began to think of retiring, this seemed to be an ideal place, so they moved here in 2010 while Steve was still working. They said it was the best thing they ever did. Phyllis was still square dancing then, and Marcia's parents had been square dancers, so they joined the class in January 2011, and Steve made sure he quit work in time to make the three o'clock class. They proved to be adept dancers, and in 2013 they jumped right in as vice presidents, and then became presidents in 2014, repeating in 2015 and 2016. What Steve and Marcia brought to Village Squares was a great enthusiasm for square dance, renewed energy and commitment, and an ability to keep the energy, fun, and good times rollin'. They were outstanding leaders for the Village Squares, and certainly increased the fun quotient! Many of the dance troupe members are dealing with time on their hands. Some of the members have offered to share what they have been doing in the meantime. Susan Pick: What has inspired Susan the most during this period was an online course called "The Science of Well Being" taught by Laurie Santos. This has been the most popular course at Yale for several years, and over two million people have participated. The main takeaway is that what you think is going to make you happy doesn't necessarily do so. Money and things are not going to make you as happy as EXPERIENCES AND DANCING IN SHOWS! Susan has kept the course on her computer and will be happy to forward it to anyone who is interested, and it is FREE! Susan also has other good news to report. She has had no knee pain since she stopped so much vigorous dancing in February. Susan and her husband have gone back to hiking every day and are finding new trails. They are loving it! Susan's street (Corinthia) has had musicians that play all kinds of music at certain times and days. You may see Susan and her husband dancing in the street! Stay well and happy! Marcia Ward: Marcia and her husband have visited their grandchildren and daughters one month in the Bay Area and one month in Colorado! Marcia reports that the upside of COVID and of this time is the blessings and the one on one time with their families. They have taught, played with, and just loved the grandchildren. Marcia notes that they would have never spent this quality time with each family if not for this enforced down time from their normally busy schedule at Ocean Hills. Marcia and her husband also have found out that they were way too busy and have enjoyed just being! Valerie Thompson: Valerie provided information regarding the wonderful diamond advanced dancers who have practiced in the garage and driveway at Ann Lagasse's daughter's home. She reports that it has been great to rehearse and see each other. Each member of the group wears a mask, and they socially distance from each other. (Our loyal teacher Yvonne has led some of the practices.) It may not be an ideal space, but the group has made it work as much as possible. Also, Kailani, the Hawaiian teacher, has led that group in practice at Shadowridge Park. They dance in the shade of a tree with masks and some semblance of Hawaiian costume, shaking our instruments, using their yellow birds, and getting honked at and waved to by passersby. Kailani greets them with an Aloha! Ann Lagasse: Ann is a member of the diamond group of dancers, and she confirms that the group did indeed have some fun and challenging practices outside at her daughter and son-in-law's house in Vista. They were able to use a large driveway and a garage with a treated floor. Ann agrees with Valerie that COVID rules were obeyed including masks and the required social distancing. Sonja, the important conductor of the group's music, was always present. Practices continued until the heat became oppressive. The small group of six to seven enjoyed reviewing the beloved dances and doing some good stretching and work out exercises. Ann also mentioned that the neighbors were entertained! The dance troupe members hope that you may feel inspired to keep moving, find your happy place, & stay safe. And we hope to see you soon! 14 | OHCC LIVING | OCTOBER 2020 | Ocean Hills Dance Troupe Just in case: Check with your club contact to confirm meeting place, date, and time. Village Squares Steve & Marcia Ward, Square Dance Stars

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