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The Colony News October 2022

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10 | THE COLONY NEWS | OCTOBER 2022 | the committee is looking into alternatives to dead and dying grass for homeowner front yards and greenbelt areas. Approved. Editing Laptop, Communications Committee: The Communications Committee requested approval to purchase a 13- inch MacBook Pro editing laptop to assist in editing various films from Board projects and/or Social activities. Approved purchase not to exceed $2,992.45. Exterior Holiday Décor: Reviewed proposals to install exterior Holiday lighting at the guardhouse, clubhouse, and palm trees. Approved California Christmas, Inc. to install the 2022 exterior Holiday lighting at a total cost of $2,800. PRESIDENT WALT BOWMAN – FINAL ADIEU: With heartfelt tears, President Bowman gave a final adieu to the residents of The Colony as the HOA Board President. He said it has been a "20-year love affair." He thanked departing Directors Amy Horlock and Glenn Sailer for their service and dedication to the community, as well as the remaining sitting Board of Directors. Mr. Bowman gave a special thank you to General Manager Jim Morgan for his consummate professionalism and his phenomenal staff, the women in the office, and to Kara, Ken, Anthony and the maintenance group. He also thanked Associa-PCM leadership Matthew Williams and Jeremy Wilson. In addition, Mr. Bowman thanked Environmental Concepts Landscape Maintenance (ECLM) for maintaining our landscape, even during the tough times due to drought, and changing out the flowers at the entrance and Clubhouse to welcome us home. A special thank you was given to Nordic Security, as their staff is friendly and helpful, assisting with the trash cans when needed and checking on our homes while we are on vacation. He thanked the committees, "which we cannot survive without. They labor anonymously because they love our community." "For the last 20 years," Mr. Bowman said, "the community has given me the privilege of serving you. I have had my differences with some residents, but in many cases, we have overcome our differences. In Micah 6:8, it says we are to act justly, walk kindly and walk humbly. Your Board tries to do that. We are not always spot on. Sometimes your Board feels like the Israelites, wandering in the desert for 40 years." He read an excerpt from Kenneth Peterson to explain how the Board feels at times. Continuing, Mr. Bowman remarked, "This is one of my last times that I will have the opportunity to address you. There has been a lot said about Article 20, a lot said about team; when the majority votes and that's it. Going back to Article 20, not a single person has been affected by Article 20 and yet we have spent a lot of time on it. We may never be affected by Article 20 if we don't acquire the golf course. If we do acquire the golf course, it will be further clarified. "I start out each day with a personal devotional between 4 and 5 am. I spend 100 hours a month serving the community because I want to. I have to seek a Higher Power. This is a job that wears on you. My kids have said, 'Dad, you have changed. You don't smile anymore or laugh anymore.' Yep, they are right. For some former presidents, it affected their health, but we do it because we have been called to do it. We are not liars, dumb or stupid. We are human beings. We bleed, but in the end, we love you. "Cynicism of the world has entered The Colony. I read an article where a man got mad at a puppy and beat the puppy to death. A 27-year-old married couple threw their 1-year-old baby against the wall, killed the child. And we worry about Article 20. I worry about our democracy that is falling apart at the seams. I worry about our country and the divisions we have, and I worry about our community. I don't want to be here some day when a person walks in and shoots one of us because we are at each other's throats. We need to lower the temperature! "A lot was said the other night about dissension. It is what is in your heart. You can have a garden of roses or a bed of weeds. I want my heart to have a bed of roses. My father used to say, 'If you never say something about a person, you can never be misquoted.' I have not always followed this, but I ask that you please think before you say something about another person. Vice President Dalfonso touched on this earlier. "Some residents moved here for different reasons. My wife and I are planning to move to Lake Havasu so I can take care of her. She suffered a stroke two years ago and we will be closer to my son. For 27 years, I have prayed that the Lord will give me one more day past my wife, so I can take care of her. I am not moving because I broke a law and worry about being arrested. That was a nasty rumor. "There are things that are unfortunate; not many are outrageous. Let us learn together to bring peace, be aware of the inflammatory words and lower the temperature again. "If you want to run for the Board, it has got to be from the heart. It is not to turn everything upside down and change things. It isn't to be angry all the time and to find out what we all have done wrong by inspecting to belittle and find something wrong. It is to find peace within yourself because you are serving others. "My father would say 'Nobody's completely useless, they can always serve as a bad example.' There have been times when I have been a bad example and I apologize for that. It was never my intent. "In closing, 'Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.' – Helen Keller. Thank you for allowing me to travel on this journey with you. I love you. I wish you well. I will follow you whether I am here or far because you are important." ~ President Walt Bowman Board highlights, continued from previous page

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