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Hemet Herald February 2023

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Golf Club From the Secretary, Irene Becker: We are now in the winter months, when the weather can be cold and rainy, or be sunny and on the cool side. For many of us, there are still many opportunities to play golf and socialize. One of the best opportunities to meet each other and share a beverage and snack is immediately after Tuesday's golf. While Elliot waits for the golfers to come in from the day's game, members begin to come in from their round of golf. The first question asked is: How did your golf game go today? Responses range from ecstatic (i.e., I hit a birdie on number 17!) to frustration (i.e., I had a ten on number 4, I could not get out of that sand trap!). What I have found interesting is that those who may have felt their game was "just okay" are delighted that they won the weekly game. And generally, everyone is delighted to shoot a score that is four or more strokes below their handicap. But most of all, talking about the Tuesday game is always different from the Tuesday before. Just as the weather has an effect on the dynamics of play, so do the conversations effect the dynamics of the gatherings after golf on Tuesday at the Clubhouse. The 2023 Elected Golf Board Members are: Tom Moore, President; Susan Gaites, Vice President; Irene Becker, Secretary; and Joe Richmond, Treasurer. Other Board Members include: Elliot Yaeger, Larry Becker and Bernie Sebzda. We are still looking for volunteers for some of the vacant positions on the Board, or take on a special task for this year's activities. Please contact Tom Moore or Irene Becker to volunteer! Last, and not least, we have two new members who joined at the end of December. John Adams and Mike Gaudreau, welcome! We hope to see you on Tuesday for golf and the after golf conversations at the Clubhouse. From the Tournament Chair, Elliot Yaeger: The following schedule is for February. The tee time is at 8 am. Feb. 7, 8 am: President's Cup SEMI FINALS Others Play Low Net Feb. 14, 8 am: President's Cup FINALS 1st & 2nd + 3rd & 4th Place Matches Feb. 14: 8:30 am: Individual: Nine Hole Low Net Tournament Feb. 21, 8 am: Partners: Scramble Feb. 28, 8 am: Team: Take 1 score from Odd holes and 2 Scores on the even holes | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | FEBRUARY 2023 | 27 Tai Chi You are invited to join a wonderful group of folks on Mon., Wed., and Fri. in the Ballroom, from 9:10 - 10 am for Tai Chi. There is no experience necessary and chairs available as needed. The Harvard Health Medical School reports, "This gentle exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life." There is no charge for the group, and you can come whenever you are available. We follow two videos and then do a set of movements to music. For more information join us one morning, or call Steve or Peggy Cooper at (951) 599-0123. Four Seasons Lady Golfers enjoying their holiday luncheon

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