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Solera Diamond Valley View July 2023

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by Tim Jahns, Resident e signs of active fauna in the SDV community are everywhere, both sights and sounds. ere's beauty, wonder and sometimes harsh reality in observing this wildlife. Depending on the season, we're able to observe a range of animals, birds, and insects all around us. A regal hawk can be seen around the paseo, oen perched on a limb or streetlight overlooking his territory. Owls have been known to frequent the same area, sometimes in conflict with the hawk that dive-bombed and scratched a friend one day. At least twice in the last year, I've found a mess of feathers scattered on my front lawn — what I take to be the aermath of a fierce battle between birds. One night, as I went out for a walk close to midnight, I rounded the corner of my garage to confront two juvenile coyotes standing on my driveway. I think they were there in search of the rabbits. e coyotes fled quickly to the center of the street about 20 yards from me. ey watched me as I went the other way on my walk. I have two hummingbird feeders, one in front and one in back. ey both seem to have a hummer who has declared the feeder part of his or her territory, though other hummers show up from time to time to gain a spot on the feeder's railing to take a long drink of nectar. Occasionally, I'll see two sitting on the feeder at the same time, willing to share the bounty with others of their kind. More oen, I'll see one chasing another out of the territory, buzzing across my field of view. I don't know how to identify birds very well, but I did observe a hooded oriole couple over the last two or three years. ey were nesting in a tall palm tree in the back yard of a home near mine. With binoculars, I was able to get a closer look at them, the male especially flashing bright orange/yellow body and that deep black hood around his eyes. e raspy, abrasive tone of the male oriole's call could be heard closer to sunset. As for rabbits, they're kind of furtive in their activity most of the time. Sometimes, I'll see a rabbit munching on my delicious grass in the aernoon sun or closer to sunset. Once, I saw a rabbit stretched out on his belly in the dirt right next to my patio, dozing. He seemed very comfortable there, soaking up sun as he dreamed of greener lawns. I understand some mallard ducks recently showed up in the SDV pool and near the retention pond area. e seasonal and migrating birds are an occasional surprise to keep us attentive. Another part of nature's show. In a future article, I hope to offer more details about the kinds of wildlife we have in our area. SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | JULY 2023 5 We have a full and exciting calendar for you this month. Come out on Tuesday, July 4 at 5 pm and enjoy a patriotic day full of hot dogs along, with a full toppings bar, popcorn, and snow cones, participate in our watermelon eating contest, and bring your favorite dessert to share and show off. Tickets are $5. Join us for a viewing of Elton John's Farewell from Dodger's Stadium on Friday, July 14 at 6 pm. Bring food and drinks to enjoy as you watch this memorable show. is is a free event. Join host Michael Passero in the Silverwood room on ursday, July 20 at 11 am to learn about strategies to help you achieve your financial goals. is is a free event. Cool off with us in the Ballroom on July 28 at 6 pm, as you enjoy an ice cream sundae with all the fun toppings followed by a competitive and exciting trivia night. Bring your sweet tooth and thinking cap for this night of fun. Registration for this event closes on Sunday, July 23 and space is limited. Tickets are $5. Registration for all events is available on the website,, or at the front desk Monday - Friday, 8 am – 5 pm. I look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming events. Lifestyle Report By Teri Collett Adventures With SDV Fauna

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