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Sun Lakes Lifestyles September 2023

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4 | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | SEPTEMBER 2023 | DID YOU KNOW that the doggie poop bags available throughout the community are ultimately paid for by you, the homeowner? This useful amenity is provided by the Association and placed throughout the community, right next to a garbage can where you may drop the used bags. This helps to encourage everyone to pick up after their pet and these "poop stations" are stocked and maintained by the Association – your Association. So, keep in mind when you are pulling off more bags than you actually need, that they are not really "free." Ultimately, you are paying for these. By Beverly Simmons, Master Board 2nd Vice-President DID YOU KNOW? DID YOU KNOW that contractors may work from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Saturday? Contractors may not work on Sundays or holidays unless it's an emergency. This applies to contractor deliveries as well, such as refrigerators, stoves, A/C units and so on. Contractors also may not bring children, family members, guests or visitors with them. These rules are under Architectural Standards, article VI "Contractors," rule #6.9 and #6.14 respectively. DO YOU KNOW what the word fiduciary means? This word has been used a lot recently, and not always correctly. The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives the following definition and it's under a heading called "Did You Know?" Fiduciary relationships are oen of the financial variety, but the word fiduciary does not, in and of itself, suggest pecuniary ("money-related") matters. Rather, fiduciary applies to any situation in which one person (or a group of people) justifiably places confidence and trust in someone else and seeks that person's help or advice in some matter. e attorney- client relationship is a fiduciary one, for example, because the client trusts the attorney to act in the best interest of the client at all times. Fiduciary can also be used as a noun referring to the person who acts in a fiduciary capacity, and fiduciarily or fiducially can be called upon if you are in need of an adverb. e words are all faithful to their origin: Latin fidere, which means "to trust." How to clean up after your dog

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