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Sun Lakes Lifestyles December 2023

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For book donations, please follow the guidelines on the website under "Library Committee." Please return jigsaw puzzles to the North and South Clubhouse and libraries, not the Main Clubhouse. Thanks to the library volunteers who helped set up for the book sale last month! Your efforts were very much needed and very much appreciated. We literally could not do it without you. It was so gratifying to see so many come out to help. Thanks, also, to everyone who came to the sale on Nov. 3 and bought bags of books. With the sale proceeds we will be purchasing more books. We will let you know what we purchase and in which library you can find them. Meanwhile, check your bookshelves at home and return any books you've borrowed. There are other Sun Lakers who would enjoy reading them. Remember what we learned in kindergarten? It's courteous to put things back where we found them and that includes library books. As the weather turns cooler and the days become shorter, borrow a book or two to take home and enjoy in front of the fire. And as you do, recall these wise words from … Groucho Marx? Yes, it was Groucho Marx who said, "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." Library Advisory 16 | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | DECEMBER 2023 | There has been an increase in citations for unauthorized parking, improper display of handicap placards, and blocking of roadways recently. Our security company, Securitas, makes it a priority to keep residents informed about parking regulations and possible repercussions if there are violations. Please remember to renew parking passes before they expire and make sure they are properly displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle. Officers physically check for these passes and will issue a citation if the pass is not visible or has expired. If three or more parking citations are received in a 90- day period, you will be invited to a hearing of the Safety Advisory Committee and possibly be fined. There have been instances lately relating to contractors and construction workers operating beyond approved hours and days. Workdays for contractors will start no earlier than 7:30 am and the workers must be off the premises by 5:30 pm. This applies to setup in the morning and cleanup in the evening. Work is permitted Monday through Saturday. No contractor work is permitted on Sundays and holidays. Securitas has been receiving a large number of calls regarding unleashed dogs and dog attacks in Sun Lakes. Dog owners are responsible for controlling their dogs, keeping them leashed when outdoors, and preventing them from running loose. Violators can receive a citation. Speeding continues to be an issue on our streets. Please observe speed limits and stop signs. Be a defensive driver and remember that we live in a 55 and older community. Our reflexes and perceptions aren't as sharp as they once were. Slow down and be safe. For your safety, please keep your garage doors closed unless you are working in the garage. Always check it before you go to bed at night. Let's all work together to keep this beautiful community safe. Thank you. Safety Advisory Sun Lakes Committee Reports We have a very qualified committee which serves the Board by advising and making recommendations on financial matters. Many of our questions and recommendations are still in review with the Board and management and we hope to have the results in the next management report or executive session discussions. Our investments have been reviewed and are being monitored closely by our subcommittee, which is tying the reserve appropriations/expenses to the portion of the monthly HOA fees. In addition, we hope to present investment options which the Board will consider to maximize the interest earnings. The FAC is responsible to research financial aspects of major projects. In regards to the Lounge Expansion Project, several FAC members were former building contractors. At the Board's invitation, they would be able to assist in validating the construction plan, timelines, and costs from the proposals that are received. In addition, the financial background of the FAC members could also be instrumental in assessing the impact on revenues and profit as a result of the project. We offer any assistance to review options for the Board. This month we'd like to highlight the accomplishments of Don Day, our FAC Chairman. Don has been assigning subcommittees and communicating to the Board and management our financial concerns and recommendations for the community. He has a Bachelor's degree in Economics and has served as a senior executive of operations, manufacturing, and marketing with a track record in reducing costs, improving productivity, and maximizing profitability. His expertise is managing change by implementing innovative practical solutions. His service has been very valuable to the FAC in the last two years and hope that it continues in 2024. Financial Advisory

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