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Hemet Herald October 2024

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | OCTOBER 2024 | 9 Library Committee Fall is here, including cooler temperatures with leaves slowly changing colors and residents getting ready to celebrate the holidays to come, beginning with Halloween. You may notice that fall and winter puzzles have reappeared on the shelves of the puzzle cabinets in the computer room. Your Four Seasons Library is ready for your visit, no matter the season. Have you tried to spin the two revolving bookcases on the righthand side of the library and check out the Four Seasons (Resident) Authors' Books that reside in the one to the le of the paperbacks? Also, several taller books reside on the closest end table. All have pink dots on their spines and are in order alphabetically by the author's last name in the bookcase. Resident Authors' Books being displayed are by Gerald Berns, Vernita Black, Mary Bowe, Nathan Church, Pamela Hayter, Howard Feigenbaum, Roberta Feigenbaum (CDs of music she composed), Charles Forsyth, James Hitt, Vickie Hitt, Paul O'Neill, Pat Rotisky, Alison Sanders, Lynne Spreen, and Ellyn Wolfe. If I missed anyone, please notify me. Some authors have provided photographs; they're on the top shelf of the le- hand wall bookcases. Some have given and others will be giving Authors' Talks. Let us know if YOU are a resident author! e volunteer Library Committee members have been very pleased with the interest shown in the biography, non-ction, large print, religion, and classics sections in the bookcases behind the couch. ese sections are slowly growing as our generous residents continue to donate books from their own collections. ese categories broaden your reading experience. Note that the number of hardcover ction books is expanding to the lower center shelves in the le-hand bookcases. We're trying to grow this collection by adding new books without eliminating 2015 books. e paperback ction section on the right side is growing, too, thanks to the revolving bookcase at the right end of the cabinets. at date range is 2020 to the present. Finally, I want to introduce the current members of your Four Seasons Library Committee. ese hard-working volunteers are responsible for keeping your library in tip-top shape: Betty Barr (Corresponding Secretary), Blair Becker, Sue Brockett, Irene Chapman, Nathan Church, Sue Corum (Recording Secretary), Betty Crase (Chairperson), Perjeah Dhevun, Shirley Etemadfar (Vice Chair), Julie Kreun, Lynne Spreen, and Lynn Voorheis. Barbara Balser and Rick Adkins are our current Four Seasons Board Liaisons. Come visit soon! ~ Betty Crase Facilities Committee October is upon us. Another year of the Facility Committee teaming together to ensure all scheduled projects are being addressed. e team of 13 volunteers are dedicated in completing all, I do mean all, projects are nished by years of end. e holidays are rapidly approaching and you will soon see the decorations in place for the entire community to enjoy. e Committee members are pleased that all Christmas activities and events are in place. Everyone receives pleasure in a well decorated Lodge, and the outside areas. e Committee works diligently to maintain the integrity of "your" Four Seasons community. Everyone benets in a well maintained neighborhood. ank you to all residents in supporting this committee with your dues, encouragement, and enthusiasm as we repair, replace, and refurbish our "Four Seasons", our home. As what was stated previously, it is the "Beverly Hills" of Hemet. I think we all like that comparison. As time moves forward, year to year, there are members who resign, move away, or join other committees, leaving vacancies. Any and all home owner residents are welcomed into this worthy committee. If you are interested in joining our dedicated group of residents, pick up a membership form at e Lodge front desk. e friendly sta will provide you with the paperwork. New team players are an asset to the entire community. Varied background skills and experiences are what helps us improve and maintain our Four Seasons community. We look forward to new partners as we enter the new year, and beyond. ~ Scott Duncan

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