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Hemet Herald June 2015

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As I close out two years of articles related to Access Control, a thank you is extended to all for your cooperation. During this period you, the community, has been asked to observe traffic laws and protections to your property. Most of you have been really good citizens. Thank you. Further I would like to acknowledge our fine Allied Barton officers at Four Seasons. They are the backbone of our security efforts. They, of course, are lead by Lt. Pomerleau, a dedicated team leader. Most of the team has been with us for over nine years. Periodic gate strikes are still occurring. It is imperative that those entering the property slow down and observe the position of the gate arm. If, while entering the Four Seasons gate a vehicle is positioned in the visitor lane, watch their movement and adjust your movement accordingly. Summer is almost here. That spells young people on the streets, sidewalks, golf carts and other locations about our property. Remember, you are responsible for your visitors. Take care of them and don't let them get in harm's way. Access Control Committee Landscape Committee Welcome to another summer at Four Seasons-Hemet. Are you itching to travel to a desert-like climate? Warm, near a coastline, mountains and valleys? Be careful what you ask for. You're already there! At Four Seasons-Hemet you can close your eyes and be on the west coast of Chile, the tip of South Africa or Western Australia. You are living the mediterranean climate lifestyle! Caveat Emptor. You are also presently living in a drought region. An area characterized by dry weather, lack of rain, and heat. All of these characteristics are injurious to crops, plants and, potentially humans. Be prepared! You will be hearing much more about drought conditions and actions here at our oasis. Stay tuned. Do you have ideas that would help us reach our 25 percent reduction in water usage? Please share them with the Landscape Committee. Attend one of our monthly meetings. We're all in this together. Let's make it work. Hells bells, we've made it work 55 plus years. Let's not stop now. Carpe Diem! Please conserve water. | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | June 2015 | 12 Elizabeth are here to support Hal during this sad time. We send our love to all the family. We are in the process of planning a celebration of life for Joyce. We want to send our love and sympathies to Annette Smith who lost her beloved husband Roy. Our love extends to their friends and family. For those of you who have suffered a loss that we were unaware of, we send our love and sympathies to you and your family. May rays of sunshine help you heal. It has been my privilege, Four Seasons. Please fill out a *NEEDS* Form at the Lodge Front Desk if you know of someone who needs assistance. Also, if you have knowledge of a friend or neighbor who is living alone, please let them know of the Healthy Elder Life Program 888-983-5337. They will assist in many ways, including daily phone calls. Also, our bulletin board in the Multipurpose Room has current contact and resource information. Ray of Sunshine Quote: "Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the word itself says "I'm Possible!" ~ Audrey Hepburn Sunshine Team continued from the previous page

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